Speak 2 Me Speech & Language Therapy provides family-centered therapy services for children birth to 21 years. Services can be provided one-on-one in the environment of choice (Birth - 21), within the Early Steps program (Birth - 3), or as a staffing service for school districts and/or individual public, private or charter schools. Our team specializes in early language development and intervention, language delays and disorders, articulation disorders, phonological delays and disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, social communication, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We begin therapy with a thorough assessment to help us determine the contributing factors of a child presenting challenges. Following the evaluation, we collaborate with parents to develop a treatment plan with individual goals. Once therapy begins, every session is thoughtfully planned to engage your child in learning and ensure they are having fun! Speak 2 Me encourages family involvement throughout the therapy process to support ongoing practice and the carry-over of skills to the home, community, and academic environments.
At Speak 2 Me, our dedicated team provides speech therapy for children of all ages focused on:
Increasing overall speech intelligibility​
Helping children develop functional communication skills​
Teaching children how to produce new sounds to correcting distorted sounds​​
Creating the motor plans for accurate speech production
Developing an appropriate rate of speech​
Parent coaching to support speech development at home

We provide therapy in a language-rich environment to build confidence and help your child:
Develop effective and functional communication skills
Expand vocabulary and phrase length
Follow single- and multi-step directions​
Answer questions
Develop expressive and descriptive vocabulary
Improve their grammar and sentence structure ​
Address reading, writing, and spelling challenges
Social Skills
Social skills look different as a child ages. From early interactions like eye contact and joint attention to advance and nuanced social communication skills, our team provides intervention focused on:
Engaging in joint attention ​
Increasing their imaginative and pretend play skills​
Developing strategies for navigating social interactions at home, in school, and in the community​
Learning to play games and following the rules
Understanding turn-taking
Managing emotions appropriately when upset
Building social-emotional awareness and knowledge
Understanding non-verbal communication

Parent & Caregiver Coaching
Family is essential to the overall therapeutic process and vital to helping children reach their goals in all environments, such as in the home, community, and school. At Speak 2 Me, we provide parent coaching as both a part of our regular therapy services and as a stand-alone solution for parents looking for useful resources and easy-to-implement strategies for home practice.
We are certified in the Hanen program It takes two to talk®.
This evidence-based program trains parents with the skills to become their child's most important language teacher. Parents of children ages 18 months to 5 years who are experiencing a delay in communication will learn practical and proven strategies to support communication during daily routines and activities.